Family and Friends,
Here are more answers to questions:
In response to the claim that "Restoration Churches" have authority without talking about the priesthood, I give my answer. The authority to direct the church is tied to the priesthood and should be received as Aaron received it - with anointing. Also, these churches don´t have 500+ pages of scripture to prove that they´ve received authority from God. In truth, it all comes back to the Book of Mormon.
Where I am: I´m now serving in a barrio called "ConchalĂ 14." It's to the northeast of where I was before. My companion is great. While he´s been a member his whole life, you can tell that he´s been strengthened with the stories of the conversion of his own parents. This week we´ve found 11 new investigators and are going to be working getting them to accept a date for baptism.
I´ve realized in my interaction with various missionaries up to this point in my mission that the key to a good companionship (and, really, any relationship in life) is communication. And those that are poor communicators struggle because they or the companion don´t understand the feelings and problems that exist.
We´ve been working on a house to live in (that I´ve mentioned before) but unfortunately because of a disagreement between the Dad (owner) and the member and sister in the ward we can´t live there now. It's a shame, but really sad for the sister because of the lies and selfishness that permeates her familys´ hearts. But, we´re going to just have to deal with the 6 of us in the tiny apartment for now. :)
Remember to always base your testimony on the pillars of truth: the Book of Mormon, the Restoration of the Power and Authority of God, and the ability to receive Personal Revelation from a loving Father in Heaven.
To close, I´d like to express my preoccupation with those in my family and my friends' families who have lost the truth and the light of understanding. I pray that my efforts here have an effect on their testimonies, and that when I return I can help them see what they are missing without the Gospel in their lives. There is a great talk on this theme by President Hinckley called "Reach with a Rescuing Hand."
'Til next week
Con Amor
Elder Parry Harrison