Monday, September 24, 2012

More Good Stuff from South America

Today (September 24):
Hey :)
First news and updates:
This week was the celebration of Fiestas Patrias in Chile.  We enjoyed a super fun lunch and program activity with the ward.  We danced cueca, ate grilled chicken and potlock salads, and performed some musical numbers. (Photos are forthcoming)
Roberto is doing wonderful.  He got the Priesthood yesterday.  In the actvity he was participating in everything - setting up the decorations, dancing, singing, dressing up in traditional waso garb, and washing dishes afterward.  Yesterday the Bishop mentioned in his talk how much of an example of service he was.  I`m so happy for him and the love he is showing to those around.  Right now he`s watching over a recent immigrant named Andres who came from Uruguay and showed up in the chapel last Sunday.  He didn`t have any money and by chance Roberto was there to invite him to stay with him and to work in his work, until he gets on his feet.  He`s a wonderful example of thoughtless service.
Spiritual impressions of late:
Life is not a series of checkboxes that are a recipe to perfection.  God has given us directions to success and our progession towards his model for us.  He created us different.  We should avoid comparison.
We are not the good people of the latter-days. There are pletty of them throughout the world.  We are the Saints of the latter-days.
God loves you because of who God is.  Not because of anything you did or didn`t do.
Our consitution was made only for a moral and religious people. - John Adams
Science and religion are complementary configurating forms of understanding that are clearly different but equally necessary in all cultures.  We need both science`s constructs of the mind and religion`s constructs of the heart.
When He says come unto Me.  It is because He knows the way out, the way up.  He knows because he`s walked it.  He Is the Way.
Con Amor y Bendiciones
Tu Missionero
Elder Parry Harrison

September 17:

Hey :)

It`s not about the numbers

An idea has been forming recently. The mission is an interesting time because life is governed by numbers - times, "key indicators", baptisms, contacts - all geared towards measuring one`s success. But the truth of the situation is that it`s not about the numbers. Some Elders lose themselves in worrying about numbers because it`s easy to define and compare. Rarely are they good missionaries. The Lord himself repeatedly cautions us against putting weight on the numbers. "God`s time is not our time",  "the worth of one soul", and "the worth of the widow`s mite", are all examples of how God is not concerned with the numbers, and that they are a construct of our minds. What does this mean for me? That the one baptism I had last week makes my whole mission worth it for me. That to become a better missionary I need to be a better me, and follow the Spirit, not basing my efforts on comparison with other companionships.  In relation to the work itself: a "cuadrado" (square) as we characterize them here is someone who is more concerned about numbers than people.  Last night we went to the Plaza de Armas to try and do some contacting as we need to finish up the requisite from the week. While talking with people, a man came up to us and proceeded to introduce himself and recount his story. He served as a missionary in the East Mission and had recently moved to the valley from the South. Now, a cuadrado would have curtly listened but quickly move on to "the real need" of finishing contacts. But I patiently listened as this great man related his life, experiences in the mission, alone-ness, depression, ostracision and inactivity. He commented towards the end of the hour and a half conversation how grateful he was for the chance to talk to somebody. I made a difference in one person`s life, just by listening, but the one difference he needed. Where is the applicability in common life from this rambling post? We need to focus on the value of moments, of relationships, and of ourselves, instead of traditional measurable aspects. Not how many kids one has, how much one makes, what is one`s calling, grades, schedules, or age. But recognize that life is short, and if we live in the moment, enjoying it, we live happy. 

Also, I had the privilege of confirming Roberto yesterday.  I felt the direction of power of the Spirit in the blessing. 

Thanks for bearing with me.  I express my love and appreciation for you and your support.

Con Amor

Tu Missionero

P.S. - This letter was read in church by a Sister talking about how we need to listen, and be aware of how we can improve as children and parents and I found it quite good:

Carta de un hijo a su padre

No me des todo lo que te pida, a veces sólo pido para ver hasta cuánto puedo tomar. No me grites, te respeto menos cuando lo haces, y me enseñas a gritar a mí también, y yo no quiero hacerlo. No des siempre órdenes... Si en vez de órdenes, a veces, me pidieras las cosas, yo lo haría más rápido y con más gusto. Cumple las promesas, buenas o malas... Si me prometes un premio dámelo, pero también si es castigo.
No me compares con nadie, especialmente con mis hermanos. Si tú me haces lucir mejor que los demás, alguien va a sufrir, y si me haces lucir peor que los demás seré yo quien sufra. No cambies de opinión tan a menudo sobre lo que debo hacer, decídete y mantén esta decisión. Déjame valerme por mí mismo, sí tu haces todo por mí, yo nunca podré aprender.
No digas mentiras delante de mí ni me pidas que las diga por ti, aunque sea para sacarte de un apuro, me harás sentir mal y perder la fe en lo que me dices. Cuando yo haga algo malo, no me exijas que te diga por qué lo hice, a veces ni yo mismo lo sé. Cuando estés equivocado en algo, admítelo. Crecerá la opinión que yo tengo de ti y me enseñarás a admitir mis equivocaciones también.
No me digas que haga una cosa que tú tu no haces, yo aprenderé y haré siempre lo que tú hagas, aunque no lo digas, pero nunca haré lo que tú digas y no hagas. Enséñame a amar y conocer a Dios. No importa si en el colegio me quieren enseñar porque de nada vale si yo veo que tú ni conoces ni amas a Dios. Cuando te cuente un problema mío no me digas: no tengo tiempo para boberías o eso no tiene importancia. Trata de comprenderme y ayudarme.
Y quiéreme, y dímelo, a mí me gusta oírtelo decir, aunque tú no creas necesario decírmelo.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two Weeks of Updates for the Price of One

Here are the last two weeks' worth of e-mails from Elder Harrison:

September 10, 2012

Hey :)

Miracles are real.  I was optimistic about Roberto last week but a lot has happened since then.  While we knew that it was inevitable that he`d get baptized eventually, he`d been a little iffy on settling down on a date.  We were considering pushing back his date til the 30th.  On Thursday we had a Family Night with our Mission Leader.  After watching John Tanner from the D&C church dvd we shared feelings.  It quickly turned spiritual.  And feeling prompted, Diego (ML)  asked Roberto if he would like to be baptized this Sunday.  When he responded sì, it about knocked me off my chair.  :)  Well in a whirlwind of preparation we finished up the lessons that he needed, and set up an interview for Saturday.  Sunday, we had an amazing baptism.  He bore his testimony at the end and with his tears brought tears to my eyes.  During our visit that night to his house he talked about how he`d known from the first visit that he would become Mormon.  And how God had prepared him for this moment.  He is amazing.  A prepared and chosen prodigal son returning home.  Something he mentioned many times was that he was not going to be baptized to just sit there.  He wants to serve.  I am so very happy.

About our sector:
We have a major mall called Vivo so we`ve got McDonalds, Subway, and Taco Bell.  There`s Plaza de Armas which includes the National Cathedral.   We also have several areas geared to tourists selling souvenirs, so I`m stocking up a little in case I don`t get the chance to come back.  

Random bits:
I`m with Elder Garcia here for another change, which I`m certainly happy about.
I`ve worked out a way to make German pancakes in a pan that aren`t too bad.
Over the last 37 days I have walked 345.37 miles with an average of 9.33 miles per day.  My feet hurt a little. ;)

Gracias por todo tu apoyo, amor, testimonio, y fe en este momento.  Puedo sentir tus oraciones.
Con Amor
Elder Harrison

Recent Happenings Gallery of Photos:

September 3, 2012

Hey :)

What ever doesn`t kill you makes you stronger

This week has been a week of tender mercies of the Lord.  Teaching Roberto is an eye and heart opening experience.  I love the feeling of being a part of the conversion of someone.  He`s an amazing person, and a real friend.  I`m determined to see his baptism through.  We had a nice surprise during church yesterday.  While he`s had a date for several weeks now, recently he`s been a little iffy on fully committing to see it through so soon, but after church a sister came up to me and commented how great it was that we were going to have a baptism.  I said, "Who?"  And she said Roberto.  So he feels confident in expressing it to those in church, which buoys our confidence in him.  He`s great, always participating in the classes, reading the scriptures and Liahona that we leave him, and posting picts of us as his "new friends" as his facebook profile to test to see how his friends will react.  We also have hope for a self-reference from a young woman named Daniela who went on to to request a visit from the missionaries.  She has childhood friends who are members and was very interested and attentive in the first lesson we had.  While I`m a little low in energy and determination this week, I will survive!

Oh, and Saturday I was horribly sick in my stomach, and vomited up literally everything I had.  All in all I fasted 40 hours though (Friday night til yesterday afternoon), so I was feeling particularly spiritual in church ;)

Con Amor
Elder Parry Harrison

P.S. The attached files are a Noche de Hogar that we had with Roberto, the view from his patio, and his collection of tattoo tools that he`s going to sell.  (I look so ugly in the photo because it was the day I was sick.)