Monday, August 20, 2012


Hey :)

First off, a breakdown of the week.

It was a struggle.  My companion became quite ill with the flu which challenged our abilitly to work.  But, yesterday we had two powerful confirmations of Diana and Bruno.  It was also Ward Conference and the Bishop and Stake President gave wonderful talks on preparing ourselves integrally (bad translation).
We are teaching a man named Roberto.  We found him on a reference slip in the house while cleaning it up, and have had 3 wonderful lessons with him already. He`d already listened to the lessons in the Sur before moving to Santiago and is the son of a pastor so he already knows a lot.  He's got a baptismal date for the 9th.
The four clearest sources of my joy in the mission are meeting people(investigators, members, or companions), feeling the Spirit during church, teaching, and learning from the study of the gospel, especially from talks from our living Prophets.

Now, to finish what I meant to write last week, a reflection on what I`ve gained and lost while on my mission.


A sure and firm testimony

Love for others

Gratitude for the abundance of blessings I have

Appreciation and perspective on life

A true acceptance and tolerance for those of other beliefs and the truth that they have in their lives


Doubts about the Gospel

Preocupation with self

Fear of sharing the truth

Judgments about others

And finally, the 20 years:

When one reflects on life`s milestones and markers to pass decades is significant. While my birthday was celebrated with little fanfare here in the mission (root beer floats from one thoughtful hermana and cupcakes from another), and as a result I had to be reminded 3 times that Friday was my birthday :), it did cause me to think about who I am and what I`ve passed through.

My life has been full of blessings and challenges: height (which clasification that falls under I`ll leave up to you :), intellect, legacy and example, family, family challenges, comforts, and a lot of support.  And when you work through the arithmetic of the first 10,512,000 minutes of my life, you come up with 66 inches, 124 lbs., 4 eyes, a lot of love, faith, and experience, and one child of God.

I`d like to express my appreciation for the influence you`ve had during a few of those minutes.  You`ve helped to make me who I am.

Mucho Amor

Elder Parry Harrison

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post Elder Harrison - it made my day. I love the gratitude that you express for your life and blessings as well as the unconditional love you have for your Chilean brothers and sisters. Robin and Patricia came by my parents house the other day and we had the great pleasure of speaking with them - what a great family of which you are a part. Keep up the updates.


    Cousin Josh
