Monday, January 16, 2012

January Updates

Here are the last two weekly e-mails we have received from Elder Parry Harrison:

January 9, 2012

This week went really quickly. Apparently you all want to hear more about my investigators and such. :) I haven´t written much because we don´t have anyone that is really full-on investigating the church. Some are passively listening to the lessons, but at this point no one is really full-on involved in changing their life.

Yesterday, we taught a young couple from Peru named Angela and Alexander and their two kids Angie, 9, and Kevin, 3. I have a lot of hope that they´ll be good. It’s hard though because during this time of year practically everyone leaves for vacations for a month or more and it´s hard to get back in contact with them. This couple is going to visit their family at the end of this month to March, so there is a good chance they´ll have to be baptized in Peru. It’s going to be interesting. :)

We´re also teaching Kevin (the “joven” that’s 16). It’s hard because his dad is opposed to his baptism, and even though he lives with his mom, he respects his dad´s opinion and really hasn´t gained too strong of a testimony of the Gospel yet. But we´re working with him and hope the Spirit will touch his father.

We are working a lot and are the examples for the rest of the Zone with the # of lessons we teach and how many people we´re contacting (247 people this week). It´s hard to see the “desanimo” of the other companionships but we´re trying to help them there.

A drunk came into the Church this week and pulled out a knife on the Young Men´s President. But nothing horrible happened and the situation was taken care of. I love you a lot. And hope you’re doing well.

Su Missionero

January 16, 2012

First, here is a list of great scriptures I´ve recently found in personal study: Alma 5:6 with a statement of the previous mission president: "our faith is proportional to our remembrance". I also really like Alma 3:23, and Mosiah 10:12-17, thinking about if we choose to feel wronged and how we affect others with our bad example.

We´ve been having difficulties with Kevin reading, praying, and going to Church. And were about to say good bye, but then he said he´d received an answer that the Church was true! We recommitted him to read and pray every day and go to Church this Sunday and gave him a new baptism date for the 29th. Also, we´re teaching a golden investigator named Marta whose father is an inactive member. We can only teach her on Sunday because she works late all the other days. But she´s already gone to Church twice and is already loving everything.

I´ve gained a real testimony of the power of going to Church and paying attention while out here. I know that we can always learn something new, and “edificar” our testimony by sharing it. Also, I challenge you to read at least 15 minutes in the Book of Mormon every day. I´ve seen it change my life and view of the Gospel and the lives of so many investigators. And I know your faith and testimony will grow.

This week we heard a sound in our roof, and couldn´t make it stop. When we finally opened up the ceiling we found a tiny newly born kitten. We put it outside and the mom came and got it. It was really cute.

Much Love

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