Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Update from Sunny Santiago

First answers to questions:
I´ve been able to use my priesthood. We´ve given 5 blessings for health and 1 for comfort.
The ward is good, but the church in general is kind of weak in many areas because it's really like it's new here. We just had 3 missionaries come home to the ward, and the potential for 4 in the next 2 years. The ward mission leader is a returned missionary but has to work a ton, so can´t do alot. And honestly, many people in the missionary work callings in the ward don´t understand their callings so that's difficult.
We get to attend the temple 3 times in the mission. Once a year, and at the end of the mission.
I´m not just eating cold cereal, and if you know me, you know that that is rediculous to say :) No, I´ve made curry twice, pancakes or crepes every other morning, sometimes french toast, and various other things for meals including hamburgers, tortellini, and spaghetti.
Church meetings are like at home, with Sacrament first. Testimony meetings are amazing, and things run pretty smoothly, though we don´t have a first counselor in the Bishopric.
The house is good, small and it gets cluttered quickly because there´s four of us, but I´m surviving :)
My Spanish is good. I´m able to express almost all my feelings, and can understand almost everyone. In truth, I´ve been given the gift of tongues.

Mission Facts:
In the last 10 weeks me and my companion have contacted (in the street or in the doorways) over 1,500 people.
I´m already past a sixth of my mission - it's going way too quick :/
Scripture I liked a lot this week:
Alma 43:45 "What are we fighting for in our lives?"

One fun thing we did last week was going to the "Feria" or a street vending place and trying to talk to people with a table and everything. We got a lot of contacts for other areas and it was fun to do something other than "tocando puertas".
We´re teaching many people and there are at least 3 that have a lot of potential. Next week I´ll talk more about them, and the other good things that have happened recently.

Teaser for next week, a recent convert chastising a rude evangelical....

Thanks for the love and support. I´m thinking of you, but extremely focused in the work.
Mucho Amor
Su Missionero
Elder Harrison

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